
Unabara Ritoru: Pt. 1

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Name: Unabara Ritoru

Nickname(s): The Face of the Seireitei; the Guardian of Rukongai; the Fist Wrapped in Cloth; Hakuda Grandmaster

Age: 382

Sex: Male

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Species: Shinigami

Alliance: 7th Division Captain

Appearance: Unabara Ritoru, a man destined to become one of the most respected and loved captains of the prestigious Gotei 13, was brought into Soul Society in perhaps the most memorable birth of the past millennium. Both of his parents were seated Shinigami, his mother a member of the 4th Division and his father a soldier from the 11th. Their union was public, and many friends and even captains were present during his birth, including the future Captain-Commander, Harotaissen Tsuribakki, the Kenpachi at the time. The pair were expecting twins. And so, it was. But in an unprecedented event, the brothers, Ritoru and his sibling Hasori, were born in an embrace. Their arms were wrapped around each other, newborn fingers interlocked in a touching display; they were fighting to remain together, never to be separated by the outside world. Kuchigane Yochi, also present at the event, famously determined that the twins were not only identical, but shared two halves of a single and powerful soul—their synchronous birth and connectivity granted them a destiny unique to all others. To this day, scholars continue to study this momentous birth as one of the ageless miracles of existence. It had been thousands of years since two souls were born so closely intertwined, and experts posit that it may be many ages still until such a thing happens again.

Ritoru’s youth was spent at the side of his twin, Hasori. The children of two seated Shinigami, the pair grew up in a military household. They bore witness to the discipline and expectations that fell upon their mother and father, and they lived through many of the same uncertainties that mortal children endured when their own parents were shipped out on a tour of duty. Although many of their days were spent waiting for one of their parents to return home from war, Ritoru and Hasori comforted each other with their company. It was their unbreakable bond that allowed them to bear the news that both of their parents had died at the hands of the Hollow forces. Driven to honor their family legacy of military service, the brothers enrolled in the Shinō Academy together, where they blossomed both as soldiers and as men. Their shared soul housed a single inner world, a unified spirit, and although they each had their own manifested Zanpakutō, their powers were inexorably linked. Hasori, determined to follow the path of their father, joined the 11th Division and focused on the arts of war. Ritoru, however, felt more at peace helping others. Having been closer to his mother, he joined the 4th Division in the hopes that he could prevent others from having to experience the deep and lasting pain of loss. The prodigal brothers both rose to the rank of Lieutenant after many years of training.

It was the explosive rise of Seisui Naito forty-three years ago that triggered the disaster that left Ritoru alone. Once a low-ranking member of the 11th Division, the man known as the ‘Ghost’ was quickly ascending the ladder, defeating seated members and claiming their position as his own. Hasori, prideful and overconfident, preemptively challenged the man to a duel. Seisui Naito won, and the bruised ego that Ritoru’s brother suffered caused him to arrogantly decide to prove his worth elsewhere. Without permission from his superiors, and with the title of Lieutenant stripped by right-of-combat, Hasori traveled to Hueco Mundo to take the head of an Espada and bring it before the Captain-Commander in the hopes of regaining his honor. By the time that Ritoru and his own captain, Veritas Junshin, learned of the plans, it was too late; the Espada known as Yruzza Alexander had accepted the challenge. Hasori’s body was found a few days later. Ritoru knew that his brother was dead the moment that it happened, for a part of his soul was stripped from him forever. The shock of that event and the ripples to his Zanpakutō followed him through his captain’s exile, his subsequent leaving the 4th Division, and his acceptance of the 7th Division captaincy after Matsudo Isshiki, its former head, disappeared in the chaos.

Captain Ritoru, despite being psychically crippled by the loss of his other half, is a singularly impressive physical specimen. Standing around six feet, two inches in height, his athletic body is toned by hours spent performing his various martial arts for meditative and functional purposes. There is no visible fat anywhere on his chiseled form. Neither is there body hair; a result of nature more than grooming. He is a man who has, on more than one occasion, been called the ‘most attractive Shinigami’, and his reputation as both a handsome soldier and a military paragon has made him one of the most sought-after bachelors in all of Soul Society. Although he is not one to promote such rumors, and is, in fact, quite modest about his looks, he recognizes that his physical appearance puts others at ease. As such, he makes sure to maintain and care for his body so that he may function well not only in his role as a captain, but as a figurehead—a position perfect for his duties in the 7th Division, which oversees the infrastructure and defense of Rukongai.

With pamphlets and letters circulating Rukongai that feature Ritoru’s image on the front, his is perhaps the most recognizable to the common inhabitant of Soul Society. His face is well-proportioned and perfectly symmetrical, with soft features that seem made to match his kind nature. His cheekbones, pronounced enough to carry the weight of his crystal-blue eyes, are somehow fluid, never interrupting the flow or shape of things. His slightly tanned skin is a product of his constant patrols along the streets of Rukongai, and it makes his eyes pop even brighter against their surroundings. His lips are full, yet not overwhelming, and his jawline holds the shape of his face perfectly. When combined, these features compose the picture of a man who has all of Rukongai gripped by his image and the lengths he has gone to protect them from criminal elements, disorder, and the threats of infiltration. Some go so far as to collect the weekly pamphlets for the different drawings of the Captain, which, in some circles, are prized as collectibles; the rare flyers occasionally illustrated by Captain Urawaase fetch a particularly high price once they cycle out of print.

Back when his twin brother Hasori was alive, the two were most often told apart by their naturally dull-blond hair, with Ritoru keeping his own long and flowing while Hasori shaved it clean. Now that he is alone with no need to distinguish himself, the Captain cuts it mid-length—a middle-ground between the two extremes that unconsciously serves as a reminder that he is the one that lived. This shorter cut tends to sweep, framing his face with mussy locks that never seem bound or cared for. In truth, they simply fall where they fall. Ritoru does little to maintain his hair aside from common bathing and rustling it with his fingers; the style is natural, a lucky effect. The same is true for his facial hair, which is locked in an almost constant five-o-clock shadow that traces along his jaw and beneath his chin. The reason for the lack of care for hairstyle, despite a religious regimen of body-maintenance, is its reminder of his brother’s death. Although such things plague him everywhere he goes, in every footfall and every breath, to look in the mirror is to gaze into the same face that he will never see again. Any hair care is left to others as a result, and there are no face-level mirrors in his chambers.

Like all captains, Ritoru dons the symbolic haori to signify his rank as a leader within the Gotei 13. However, unlike some of the other members of his position, his own has been heavily modified. With his martial skills primarily focused in a fine, almost medical application of Hakuda, every sliver of mobility is required for him to perform at peak efficiency in combat. The normal long-sleeved, long-backed haori design is inconvenient to him as a result. After submitting a request to the 1st Division upon his ascendancy into his captain position, Ritoru commissioned a modified haori. This sleeveless alternative stops short just above his waist, appearing more like a vest than the traditional garment. The symbol and number of his division are still printed upon the back, as well as the diamonds and dashes, only tracing along the modified lower border, and smaller in scale. White cloth wrappings encase his arms from the middle of his biceps to the tips of his fingers in place of the sleeves. Some have questioned why the captain bothered to modify the haori only to then wrap his arms up, anyway. Those are the individuals who know little about how he fights, and as soon as they see him apprehend a criminal or spar one of his many routine opponents, they find their question answered.

While the haori of his uniform has been altered to fit his needs, the shihakushō as a whole remains almost entirely unchanged. It is made of a slightly stronger material than most, given the constant movement involved in Ritoru’s patrols, but otherwise it is standard fare. As a man who sometimes ventures into the seediest alleys of Rukongai, where the rogue elements of Soul Society are out in force, his uniform is in constant need of cleaning. And while Ritoru is more than willing to do the task himself, it has actually fallen upon members of the community at large to make sure that his uniforms are in working order. At various postings along the inner districts, volunteers sometimes help keep the 7th Division supplies organized and maintained as thanks for their work. One of these tasks—and, to some avid fans, the greatest privilege—is to prepare or clean Ritoru’s replacement shihakushō. While Ritoru originally refused these requests, adamant about his place as a servant of the public, not the other way around, he eventually acquiesced, realizing that the involvement of the community and the pride of the cooperation was worth the discomfort of being doted on.

As a man-in-motion, Ritoru carries himself with a certain air of disrupted peace. Although he is kind, generous, and selfless, he rarely smiles. There is a broken quality to him that only those with an eye for such things can see. The spirit behind his face is a shell of what it once was. Without the connection to his brother Ritoru is half of himself, and he will be that way until the day that he dies. This shows through in the way that he moves. Even when he has a direction and a mission, he always seems to move with a lack of true purpose. Although he may be off to protect all of Rukongai, a task that would take up all of his mental focus and drive, it may still appear as if he were not fully invested in the world around him. At times, he comes dangerously close to bumping into others due to this and his periodic waves of ‘zoning out’. However, when the situation is serious, and lives are on the line, the ‘Guardian of Rukongai’ can summon all of his will to pull himself together, appearing more composed and alert—at least for a time.

Personality: Ritoru was born with a soul entwined with his twin brother Hasori. While their personalities were wildly different, the core of their being was not. It was a case of nature versus nurture. Ritoru’s father was a soldier at heart, and Hasori idolized him before his untimely death. Their mother, meanwhile, was a healer, kind in spirit and patient in temperament. It was her that shaped Ritoru as a child, and contributed to his honorable and helpful personality, as well as his constant efforts towards uplifting those around him through charity and personal sacrifice. Hasori, meanwhile, was hotheaded and proud, with a drive similar to Ritoru’s, only aimed at becoming stronger rather than supporting others through passivity. It was this dichotomy that helped Ritoru grow into the person that he is now, his closeness with his twin and the exposure to a mind bent on advancement having forged in him an appreciation for all viewpoints and personalities. Although it was that same drive that eventually got Hasori killed, the open-mindedness has stayed with Ritoru to this day, and it allows him to function in his current position as liaison to Rukongai exceedingly well.

The true core of Ritoru’s psychological state boils down to the loss that he suffered upon Hasori’s death. Without his twin, his soul itself is split down the middle. He is a shell of who he once was, incapable of feeling the full breadth of emotion, drive, or any aspect of life’s many sensations. He is constantly detached and numb. The things that he held dearest—that meant the world to him—have been reduced to fleeting wants in place of burning desires. Most notably, his once legendary aspiration to heal like his mother before him, that same feeling that drove him to become the Lieutenant of the 4th Division, diminished after Hasori’s death. It was not eliminated entirely; to this day, Ritoru finds more sincere pleasure in helping others than he does in any other activity. But that pleasure is a shadow compared to what it once was, and that loss of motivation, along with the exile of his old captain, was what caused him to shift positions to the 7th Division, where his new mind-set could be put to a different set of tasks. Luckily, his new rank suits him perfectly.

With his commission as the Captain of the 7th Division came fame in Rukongai, and with that came the idolization of the public. Almost overnight, Ritoru became a flag-bearer to the common man, who saw in him a Shinigami willing to embrace the population at large and lead by public example and community service. Before the loss of his brother, the borderline worship by the masses would have greatly disturbed him, and he could have never held such a public position without extreme feelings of inadequacy and guilt. In a strange twist, his numbness now helps him by diminishing these feelings to a slight inconvenience. Although he is far from comfortable with the idolization that he receives from time to time, he can bear it, knowing that he is helping the people of Rukongai and protecting them from threats both domestic and otherworldly. Unfortunately, his lack of drive still takes away from the satisfaction that he may have otherwise received from his duties. For now, it is enough to see him through the day-to-day activities, and his kind heart still remains, hoping to help those he can with the powers granted to him by fate and hard work.

In social situations, Ritoru is polite and courteous, always showing respect to those around him, no matter their alignment. He believes that rudeness and callousness are unnecessary, even in the face of one’s enemies. Instead, he maintains a friendly connection with everyone. Despite this, one cannot help but notice a distance in him when he speaks, even to those closest to him. His voice, slightly lower than average and always accompanied by a rumbling in his chest, sounds as if he were consistently tired and lacking energy. The almost melancholy way in which he holds a conversation clashes with the kind words and sincere intentions, making him seem as if he had just woken up and was still shaking off the fog of sleep. Periodically, Ritoru finds himself losing track of what others are telling him, unable to maintain focus long enough to hear the bulk of what they had said. This is especially true during days when his emotional state is in a particular rut, such as the anniversary of Hasori’s death. Otherwise, he is a relatively normal man with seemingly mundane interests, able to uphold normal conversations often enough that most people would never guess the troubles that wrack his splintered soul.

A particular feature of Ritoru’s psychological state is an aversion to mirrors. While consciously aware that Hasori is dead, and that he is physically identical to his deceased brother, any momentary look into a mirror can prove to be detrimental to his psychological well-being, reminding him of his loss. In particular, it can cause Ritoru to become emotionally unhinged and unnaturally numb for up to a day or two. During these stretches of time, he is prone to ‘zoning out’, forgetting what he was doing, and other signs of clinical depression. Although he never truly breaks down into tears or feels the weight of despair, the fog of numbness can be equally debilitating, forcing him to relieve himself of duty temporarily until he can regain his mental focus. Not every sight of his reflection will cause this sort of detachment. But it is common enough to warrant a lack of mirrors within Ritoru’s personal quarters at the 7th Division garrison.

Although he is not a captain that finds himself on the front lines of war as quickly as some others, Ritoru was trained by the best to maintain himself in stressful situations. During his time as the Lieutenant of the 4th Division, he was placed into many high-stress scenarios, where his decisions meant life or death for his patients. As a captain, he holds the responsibility for the protection and organization of all of Rukongai. These are things that Ritoru can handle, as well as other forms of shock and stress. Although his soul has been deeply wounded by the loss of his brother, and his motivation and drive are a fraction of what they once were, the man himself does well in high-stress situations. In combat, he retains his honorable nature, but performs his duties to Rukongai without question. And should it come down to it, he is able to call upon his healing training to coordinate recovery units with precision and focus. It is rare that the fog thickens in these situations enough to truly affect his capabilities as a command-level Shinigami.


Spirit Cloth: The cloth that Ritoru keeps wrapped around his arms is made of a specially crafted combination of Kidō-strengthened silk and fibers extracted from various spider-like Hollow, given to him by Central 46 after his promotion. Combined, these two materials create an incredibly thin cloth that is nearly impervious to tearing and cutting, yet it retains an unusual softness. In battle, Ritoru not only uses the cloth as armor for his Hakuda-centric method of combat, but as a binding for enemies that he successfully subdues and captures. The inherent strength of the cloth makes it virtually impossible for a prisoner to rip off a section tied around their arms, making it the perfect alternative to handcuffs, which are easily broken by stronger opponents. Even binding Kidō are susceptible to those who know how to counter such things. But the cloth functions in place of either. And with its softness, even the most violent struggle will deal no damage to the prisoner’s skin, making it humane as well as effective.


Kidō Master: A former Lieutenant of the 4th Division, on-track to take over the captaincy in the eventual sense, Unabara Ritoru became a master of many Kidō applications, able to perform the highest level of spells in all categories of the mystical arts, many of which without the need for incantation. Although his skills in the arts of Hadō are quite fearsome, it is in Bakudō and Kaidō where his talents shine brightest. Utilizing his abilities with the former classification, he has apprehended some of the most notorious elements of the Rukongai underworld. With the latter, the brand of spell-craft that he studied the most, he has gained a reputation as one of the most talented healers in all of Soul Society, rivaling the Kaidō capabilities of even Captain Koyuki. Were it not for the 4th Division Captain’s prodigal understanding of chemistry, as well as his famous healing-type Zanpakutō, Ritoru would be first choice for the position of head of medical Shinigami. While this is not the case, and he has no interest overseeing that division, his skills are still utilized by the 4th during emergencies, and the people of Rukongai have benefited immensely from his skills.

Advanced Medical Knowledge: During his time in the 4th Division, as well as his years in the Shinō Academy, Ritoru followed in his mother’s footsteps and spent considerable energy studying anatomy, biology, and medicine. To this day, he has retained enough knowledge to qualify him as an expert in many medical fields. Even without the use of Kaidō, Ritoru can assess sicknesses, ably practice field-medicine, and diagnose injuries with impressive accuracy. His studies are primarily focused on Shinigami and human anatomy, although he has some viable knowledge about the peculiar Arrancar biological averages, as well. In practice, this intimate medical familiarity provides Ritoru with the basis for some of his most effective hand-to-hand abilities, which have propelled him to the title of ‘grandmaster’ in regards to Hakuda, a feat well-known throughout Soul Society.

Hakuda Grandmaster: Ritoru achieved the coveted title of Hakuda Grandmaster shortly after becoming the Captain of the 7th Division, having gone before the other masters, namely Harotaissen Tsuribakki and Tsuriba Satto, and proving himself worthy of the title through deeply secretive trials. His skills in unarmed combat are so overwhelming that he has never drawn his Zanpakutō out of necessity, even during sparring matches with others of his rank. Ritoru has mastered dozens of fighting styles, and he has created a few of his own that are taught throughout the Gotei 13 and in the academy. No matter which he chooses to utilize, his technique is essentially flawless, and he is capable of fighting armed opponents with relative ease, blocking, avoiding, and redirecting their strikes with his bare hands. Every point on his body is usable in some way as a devastating weapon, although he has shown a heavy preference for the fine manipulative abilities of his hands, through which he can disarm Zanjutsu-based opponents and cripple their effectiveness. Once a fight has been reduced to fist versus fist, there is little chance that Ritoru will be defeated.

• Shujutsu (Surgery): An incredibly precise and delicate fighting style, Shujutsu is Ritoru’s claim to fame as the Grandmaster of Hakuda. It is a style that relies upon the user’s intimate knowledge of biology. By striking at organs, pressure-points, and joints, Ritoru is able to manipulate the anatomy of his opponents. He can incapacitate entire limbs by cutting off the signals from the brain, compounding damage upon nerve clusters. By striking the flesh above certain organs in various ways, he can cause extreme nausea, liver failure, and countless other detrimental effects. There have been cases where Ritoru has defeated his opponents by striking from behind, applying pressure to the back in such a way that caused a violent and severe heart-attack. Although it is far more common for the Guardian of Rukongai to use this style of combat to cause unconsciousness, it has earned him a reputation as one of the deadliest martial artists in history. Few have the right combination of medical knowledge and martial skill to use the techniques effectively, and only Ritoru, their creator, has mastered the complicated and pinpoint strikes of Shujutsu.

• Kiji no Hōyō (Embrace of the Cloth): A technique invented by Ritoru after attaining the spirit cloth from Central 46, the Kiji no Hōyō has been the downfall of more than one enemy of Soul Society, and is a first-choice option for capturing live targets. By throwing what looks to be a very standard punch, Ritoru can shift momentum in his arm just enough to release the bindings that surround it. The spirit cloth, sensitive to Ritoru’s spiritual energy, then propels itself in a line towards wherever the strike was aimed. Should an individual be struck by the cloth, they will quickly find themselves wrapped up in its length. And with the near-indestructible quality of the material, that is more often than not the end of a fight. While this is most often used to capture targets, there have been occasions when Ritoru has used the Kiji no Hōyō to protect others, throwing the spirit cloth between innocents and a wayward attack. The cloth can act as a shield. Each of his arms is wrapped with just under one hundred feet of the material, which marks this technique’s ideal range. The actual range is just above a thousand feet, although propelling the cloth at such a distance would likely remove it from the fight altogether, making it a last resort, often against fleeing opponents.

Zanjutsu Expert: While Ritoru prefers to use his fists, he is well-versed and quite capable of wielding Hōtai, his Zanpakutō, in combat. Its short, tanto-like length may not give him much of a defensive edge, but, combined with his knowledge of anatomy, it is more than enough to defeat his opponents with precise strikes should it become absolutely necessary. When fighting with Hōtai, something he has not done outside of sparring in his Shinigami career, Ritoru uses a style similar to untrained street-fighting, with one hand for guarding and the other for piercing and slashing with a knife. Although this rough style of combat may not size up to masters of the Zanpakutō who wield similar length weapons, it does afford Ritoru a level of unpredictability that he can use to his advantage. Still, Ritoru is far more effective when he has his hands free; it is exceedingly unlikely that his abilities in Zanjutsu will ever be put to the test on an actual field of combat.

Shunpo Expert: Like all Captains, Ritoru has had extensive training in the arts of Shunpo, granting him incredible mobility both in and out of battle. His control over his Reiatsu allows him to rapidly outpace all but the fastest opponents, breaching ground in the blink of an eye to deliver his fatal blows at close range. Although there are those within the Captain-class who can rightly claim that they are both faster and more finely in control of their Shunpo techniques, Ritoru is quite adept at their use. Most often, the speed granted to him is utilized to get him closer to his targets, where his short-range fighting abilities can be of use. Enemies who can outpace him with ease are the greatest threat to him, as his abilities only gain range once he releases his Zanpakutō. Until then, he must rely on Kidō to fight over long distances, a prospect that is far more tiresome than simply catching up to his foes and bringing them into a melee confrontation. Seeing this as a weakness in his duties, Ritoru has spent countless hours to improve upon his Shunpo abilities, and he has been making some strides as of late. But without the same level of drive as other people, progress is slower than it might otherwise be.

Great Spiritual Power: Ritoru is a Captain within the Gotei 13, and he commands a level of spiritual power required to hold such a station. His own personal brand of Reiatsu is a colorless gray. In the past, before Hasori perished, the spiritual energy was bright blue and carried with it a feeling of positivism. Now it is an empty pressure that is capable of crushing anyone beneath Lieutenant-class with ease. In a fight, the levels of spiritual power can rise high enough to challenge even other Captain-class opponents. Stones and other small objects will begin to rise in the air and dissolve into the latent pressure. It is this powerful field of energy that gives itself to Ritoru’s strength, and it is proof positive that he is a man worthy to wear the haori, no matter how much damage has been done to his psyche. When unleashed in full, those nearby may visualize strands of colorless cloth creeping down from the skies, pressing upon them in an attempt to grind them into the dirt.

Enhanced Strength: The spiritual power that grants Ritoru his Shinigami abilities is the same source that fuels his incredible strength. One of the physically stronger captains, he is able to hold his own against enemies far larger than him without any apparent trouble, and he can go so far as to punch his way through a Gillian-class Menos with a single strike. Each one of his unarmed strikes carries with it enough force to remove body parts. He is extremely lethal in close range, although his preference is to disarm and subdue rather than outright kill. However, in the case of an enemy who is such a danger to Rukongai that they cannot be apprehended safely, Ritoru is not above using his physical power to quickly defeat and destroy villainous elements. The physical training that keeps him in premier shape is as much to thank for his strength as his spiritual power, so unlike many others who rely on their Reiryoku for their athleticism, Ritoru would function impressively should an unseen circumstance limit spiritual help to his muscle tissue.

Enhanced Endurance: Like all powerful Shinigami, Ritoru’s spiritual power has enhanced his endurance to the point where he can survive strikes that would otherwise kill a normal man. His skin is tough enough to endure direct attacks from weapons below Captain-class, allowing him to fight unarmed against many opponents without fear of injury due to a mistimed grab or block. By concentrating his spiritual energy to small portions of his body, he can increase this endurance to the point where he can safely intercept the bladed edge of even Captain-class weapons. This allows him to fight hand-to-hand against opponents with heavy weaponry without fear of extreme injury. With such durability, Ritoru is capable of surviving wounds that would kill most men. A sword through the stomach, while extremely painful, would only serve to slow him down. Cutting him in half would kill him as easily as it would anyone else. However, with his fast reflexes and mastery over Hakuda, such things are very unlikely, and Ritoru’s survivability remains high.

Expert Tactician and Strategist: Although his mind has been dulled by the loss of his twin, and he is prone to periods of mental fog, Ritoru is still one of the premier strategists of the Gotei 13, able to outsmart most opponents with little problem. He has memorized countless proven tactics and can call upon decades of experience to command the flow of the battlefield, lead troops, and enact complicated strategies that can help coordinate resistances during wartime scenarios. In particular, his knowledge of Rukongai allows him to function as the head of tactical planning in the districts. Should war bring danger to Soul Society, it is Unabara Ritoru who stands at the helm of all defenses for the community at large. He has trained many Shinigami to lead civilian resistances, develop militias, and evacuate key community leaders under well-defined circumstances. This forward planning is just a small indication of how tactically proficient Ritoru really is.
This is part 1 of Unabara Ritoru's sheet, which contains general information about the character.

Part 2, which contains information about his Zanpakutō and Shikai, can be found here.

Part 3, which contains information about his Bankai, can be found here.


This reference sheet represents the 7th Division Captain of my non-canon Bleach world. While he may seem overpowered, this particular description is not the one I use in roleplaythe power scales represented in its text are only in relation to the personal stories and the fiction which I write. When roleplaying, I use altered sheets with abilities to scale with the setting, completely devoid of power comparisons.


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OCArtist's avatar
Kinda surprised he doesn't know Shunko.