
Tsuriba Satto: Pt. 1

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Name: Tsuriba Satto

Nickname(s): The Doberman; the God of Rust; the Dragon of the Seireitei; the Last Echo

Age: 820

Height: 6’1”

Sex: Male

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual (Abstinent)

Species: Anthropomorphic Shinigami (Doberman Pinscher)

Alliance: 2nd Division Captain (Leader of the Onmitsukidō)

Tsuriba Satto: Captain of the 2nd by NexusYuber

History: The spiritual flow between the many planes of existence is a complicated and tumultuous thing, just predictable enough to be protected and only partially understood. When most humans die in the world of the living, they pass beyond the veil of Soul Society and begin a new chapter of their existence. The same can be said for all other living beings. Animals, whose souls must navigate the flow without the help of Shinigami purification, arrive in scattered pieces, battered by the crossing and far less powerful. They eventually coalesce into fully formed beasts in smaller numbers than their earthling counterparts—native animals more than make up for the difference in the ecosystems of Soul Society. The spirits of a hundred rabbits or a thousand ants may only combine into one or two of their counterparts after crossing over. Yet there is a hiccup in this balance-preserving formula. Once in a while, particularly large gatherings of animal spirits may combine with the birth of a spirit-born soul. The result is an 'anthropomorph', an individual who appears humanoid in form yet displays characteristics unique to the animal souls that fused with it. While often shunned, ridiculed, or even driven into the forests, these rare examples of a twist in the spiritual matrix often come with exceptional abilities. And one of them, now known as 'the Dragon of the Seireitei', managed to become one of the most respected Captains of the Gotei 13.

Tsuriba Satto, born as a combination of a regular soul and the spirits of dogs, specifically those of the Doberman Pinscher breed, was an unwelcome surprise to his family. Merchants of relatively high station, the inclusion of an anthropomorph to their stock was unacceptable. Luckily, their resources allowed them to find a well-kept orphanage that specialized in similar cases. Satto, whose original surname was lost in a sea of purposefully murky bureaucracy, never bothered to find his biological family; his surrogate one formed at the orphanage gave him the love and nurturing attention that they never would have. A young Satto, surrounded by others like him, quickly found that the gifts of his form far outweighed the social stigma. He was stronger, faster, and had more acute senses than most. More than that, he had the drive and the loyalty of a Doberman, so when a recruiter from the Gotei 13 visited the orphanage, Satto was quick to join up.

Satto’s skills saw him at the top of his class at the Shinō Academy, particularly in Hakuda and the arts of Hohō. But what his instructors found most impressive was that Satto was never satisfied with his natural talents. He pushed himself deeper into his studies, regardless of his lack of challenging rivals. Even in classes where his skills matched his instructors, the Doberman never seemed satisfied, quick to point out his own flaws and address them almost obsessively. This indomitable will to self-improve launched him to the top of the academy’s highest honors. By the time he graduated, most of the martial divisions of the Gotei 13 had already offered him seated positions. Satto had turned them all down. Instead, he chose to enter the 2nd Division as a rank-and-file recruit, believing in the importance of earning his promotions through actual service.

Over the course of decades, Tsuriba Satto climbed the ranks of the 2nd Division, forever honing his skills and consistently refusing offers from his superiors to fast-track his ascension. He eventually joined the Onmitsukidō through the standard procedure, having served the necessary time in the division’s general forces and passing several examinations far beneath his potential. It was there that his legend was truly born. As a member of Soul Society’s special operations unit, Satto made expert use of his unique skills and overwhelming speed to hunt down his targets. He shifted his focus towards stealth, mastering subtle techniques that allowed him to leverage his Shunpo talents to devastating effect. It was this absolute dominance that earned him the position of Lieutenant and put him in charge of the Maggot’s Nest, where he served with distinction for over a century.

After the passing of the previous 2nd Division Captain, the mantle of leadership fell to Satto. In a rare display, not a single sitting Captain questioned his promotion; the entirety of the Gotei 13’s ruling class recognized his overwhelming strength, unbending loyalty, and staunch commitment to Soul Society. He became a centerpiece of the military complex and a trusted agent of Central 46. Since then, Captain Tsuriba has served with absolute distinction both in war and in his clerical duties. He is a leader through-and-through, having served in every rank of his division, understanding the positions of his subordinates and the trials that come with their assignments. There are few in Soul Society who command as much respect and admiration; fewer still who strike as much fear in the hearts of those who threaten the balance of peace.

Personality: Tsuriba Satto is cut from a cloth of circumstance. From birth, he was cursed with an appearance that separated him from others. He was shunned by polite society and seen as a horrible beast by those with less tact—many would even say so to his face. His only respite during his early years were the kind owners of the orphanage and the other anthropomorphic youngsters who called it home. A deep-seeded drive to succeed allowed him to push past the downsides of his circumstances and learn to thrive as the man that he was. This is the foundation for his personality: Satto sincerely believes that his condition is objectively a curse, and that the stigma against his kind is justified by reason, yet he holds a semi-conflicting opinion that it is something that can be overcome. He agrees with those who see him as a monster while simultaneously understanding that it comes with significant gifts. This mild cognitive dissonance puts him at odds with many other anthropomorphic individuals, most of whom believe that the world is cruel to them without reason. Satto believes the reason is clear; anthropomorphs are mistakes. It is simply a matter of making the best of a bad situation.

These opinions have caused self-image issues that run deep within his psyche. In essence, Satto believes himself to be a monster by definition, yet he feels that he has accepted his place and is healthier for it. The reality is that his beliefs—the rationale that he uses as a bandage over his self-confidence—are fragile things held together entirely by cognitive dissonance. Instead of dwelling on it or confronting the subject, Satto channels that energy into being extremely productive, seeing it as a more appropriate use of his time. He genuinely believes that he has put those issues to rest. This results in a man who gets exceedingly frustrated when confronted with the topic of anthropomorphism, despite the fact that he believes himself above it. When pressed, he generally recites his opinion once and entertains no deeper questions. He subconsciously avoids deep interaction with others of his kind, which only provokes the issue, although he is incapable of admitting it to himself. To him, it is a minor facet of his being that he has turned into a strength. In reality, it is a thing that eats away at his soul, preventing him from accepting himself for who he is.

The spirit of the Doberman drives Satto towards loyalty and strength. Whatever personality he would have developed had he been born a normal soul has been overshadowed by these aspects of his breed, and they have driven him to become a Captain of the Gotei 13. Satto earnestly believes that his duties come above all else: above pleasure, above personal fulfillment, and even above the petty concepts of good and evil. At every rung of the ladder that he had to climb, the Doberman always did was he was told by those with authority. During his time in the Onmitsukidō, where he excelled at tracking and assassination, he never once questioned who it was that he was sent to capture or kill. He never cared what they did—never listened to the sob stories spat at him from men thrown into the Maggot's Nest. To him, duty was paramount. Now that he is a Captain, he only needs to heed the commands of Harotaissen Tsuribakki (whose Zanpakutō commands his own as the God-spirit of Metal), Central 46, and the concept of the Gotei 13. This does not stop him from being fiercely loyal to all other Shinigami, however, and despite his sometimes-harsh nature, he would step in front of a blade for the lowest ranking comrade. It is simply what he does.

Although respected for his loyalty, Satto is equally known for his strict adherence to the law and his rigid expectations of his division. He is uncompromising. Hundreds of Shinigami under his command have been docked pay, censured, or even expelled from the Gotei 13 for oversights that other Captains would have forgiven off-hand. Satto expects perfection from every soul under his jurisdiction, regardless of their scores on entrance exams, their family name, or any other frivolous factor. He is also more than willing to imprison those who break the law, even if they were once counted among his men. Isseki Gendo Takadai, Satto's Lieutenant and Warden of the Maggot's Nest, is similarly subjected to constant scrutiny thanks to his shamed lineage, which the Doberman acknowledges as a matter of fact. Yet Takadai is the first of his line to achieve such a high seat in over four thousand years, and he owes it entirely to Satto's belief that individual contributions towards the Gotei 13 surpass all else—aside from the law, of course. So long as Takadai does his duty, Satto will tolerate his presence without complaint.

In battle, Satto earns his name as the ‘Dragon of the Seireitei’. He is relentless and calculating, and he entertains no distractions or taunts. Feints and speeches fling off of his personality like flies on glass. He is singularly minded, and, at times, it can result in absolute terror in his opponents as he hunts them down like a hound let loose from its leash. Thanks to his speed, few ever realize that they have been targeted. Those that do are subjected to a race that they cannot hope to win. Satto never extracts any joy from battle, nor does he crave the challenge of a worthy opponent. To him, such things are simply part of his line of work, and the full breadth of his outstanding abilities are there to be used as tools by the Gotei 13. This makes him a walking weapon perfectly suited for tracking down and eliminating the enemies of Soul Society by any means necessary. And his steel heart feels no regret.


Bronze Pack: Little can be said about the 2nd Division without mentioning the Bronze Pack, the elite dog unit trained by Satto himself. These animals, raised from birth or taken in from the beasts of the wild, are conditioned to perform specific tasks for the Onmitsukidō. The assignments include delivering messages, tracking wanted criminals, guarding important structures, defending dignitaries, or even eliminating assassination targets. Thanks to the specific abilities of Tsuriba Satto, they are far more intelligent and dangerous than average canines; some are even Shinigami-equivalent in their ability to perform their duties. Those that consistently finish their tasks efficiently are rewarded similarly to their humanoid counterparts—with promotions. These 'Pack Leaders' are imbued with Satto's spiritual energy, granting them supernatural physical traits. The reputation of these elite dogs is so heavy that criminal organizations have learned to fear howling and barking more than silence. As well they should, as some of the higher tiers of the pack have been known to take down Seated-class opponents through careful planning.

• Kamitsume (Nail God): Among the Bronze Pack are a handful of elite hounds called 'Pack Leaders'. And among them, one single dog remains the alpha—second-in-command to Tsuriba Satto. Kamitsume is that beast. A female Tibetan Mastiff with a flawless record in guard assignments, she has been gifted with a great deal of Satto's spiritual power, bringing her to a level of speed, strength, and intelligence that almost rivals a Lieutenant-class Shinigami. It is said that her maternal instincts, common in female Mastiffs, were only heightened as her intelligence grew. She sees the Bronze Pack as her family and will defend them tooth and nail from anything that threatens them. This is also true for anyone lucky enough to be assigned as her charge, most often during vital 2nd Division missions. The size of a bear, Kamitsume's massive black form is enough to scare away anyone with a decent sense of self-preservation. The rest are torn apart by a guard dog more dangerous than most Arrancar, and far, far more intelligent.

Silver Rings: The silver rings that adorn Captain Tsuriba's ears are more than simple jewelry. Crafted for him by the Yorushi family with spiritually-attuned metal, these light earrings are capable of channeling sound through a sustainable, far-reaching echo. A small application of controlled Reiatsu can activate them. This creates an echoing sound similar to shifting coins in the palm of one's hand, only far greater in scale and quite a bit louder. When used in tandem with Satto's astounding speed, these earrings can fill entire areas with a torrent of shifting metal sounds that defy direction and cause extreme confusion or even cases of vertigo. The ensuing chaos is often enough to change the tide of a battle. Although Satto would most often elect to simply kill or otherwise remove each target, some situations specifically call for the Silver Rings; large scale wars, infiltration missions, or moments where sound-based abilities can be drowned out are all prime examples. Others find themselves incapable of pinning Satto down within the flurry of sound, earning him the title of the ‘Last Echo'.

Golden Boots: Tsuriba Satto is the fastest Shinigami in Soul Society by no small margin. He can traverse the entire circumference of the Seireitei in the time it takes the second quickest, Captain Kirinonai, to cut across its center, putting him on a plateau that no one else in the Gotei 13 can reach. His speeds can grow to such astounding levels that the heat generated around his feet can threaten to burn through his own spiritual defenses. The Golden Boots, created by Yorushi Niiro, are Kidō-protected to disperse all heat buildup, allowing him to press his limits without damaging his body. While these specialized coverings prevent him from catching his trail on fire or using other high-speed abilities that rely on friction, they far outweigh those losses with their benefits. Thanks to their immunity to all temperature changes, Satto can kick his way through elemental abilities without suffering ill-effects. He can stand on hot coals and safely run over a field of ice without slipping. They also function as weapons, increasing the damage dealt by lower-body strikes.

Angel's Ear: The large triangular extension of Tsuriba Satto's uniform has a unique function. Made by Koyuki Clan craftsmen, this piece of spiritually-enhanced, rigid cloth is capable of channeling, focusing, and magnifying sound waves directly into Satto's sensitive ears. It acts like a sonar dish. With it, the Doberman can hear a pin drop from three miles away. He can turn his body and use the Angel’s Ear to determine the exact direction that a sound came from with such accuracy that it borders on divine echolocation. Thankfully, the Angel’s Ear also collects sound waves that are exceedingly loud and dulls them down to non-damaging levels. All noises are absorbed by the cloth before they ever reach Satto's sensitive ears, and the result is an immunity to most sound-based techniques that rely on volume. To him, everything sounds roughly the same, and he uses his powerful ears and extreme focus to determine details about individual noises.

Tsuriba Satto: The Doberman by NexusYuber


Hohō Grandmaster: With the soul of a Doberman and anatomy twisted by anthropomorphism, Satto is uniquely capable of excelling in the arts of Hohō. His unmatched talents earned him the title of grandmaster, which was bestowed upon him after proving that he could best all other challengers. He won the race against the former title-holder with a full minute to spare. He dodged thousands of projectiles without exiting a two-meter radius, giving the appearance that they were slipping through his body. He even managed to make it through a mile-long room filled with taught, delicate strings without a single collision, proving that his control was absolute. These skills make him an absolute terror in the field of war, able to weave in and out of near-impossible situations at lightning speed. His Shunpo control is so fine that he can vanish from one side of a battlefield and reappear on the other in the blink of an eye, having taken down dozens of soldiers in between. These abilities are what originally earned him his title as a Captain, and they have only improved in the many centuries since, placing him on the highest pinnacle of skill.

• Seishunpo (Silent Flash Steps): The technique known as Seishunpo was developed by Satto during his later years in the Onmitsukidō assassination forces. He found that speed, while exceedingly useful, was lacking if stealth had to be sacrificed for it. Through extreme training and countless failures, he eventually discovered a way to channel spiritual energy around the body to silence noise during all but the fastest movements. Creaky floorboards, cracking joints, and even the thumping of a heartbeat can be turned back in on the user, stopping the sound waves from alerting any nearby targets. This Hohō technique is a form of 'Shunpo' in name only. It can actually be utilized while standing still, allowing stealth experts to remain unnoticed in dire situations. Unfortunately, only masters of Hohō are capable of perfecting Seishunpo, leaving a handful of practitioners in all of Soul Society. Satto remains the best, ably utilizing it at all but the highest speeds—after which point, stealth is hardly necessary, and his focus can find better use in eliminating his targets.

• Wolf Pack: Perhaps the most dangerous Hohō technique in the Gotei 13, the Wolf Pack was created in order to rid the field of multiple targets in a minimal amount of time. Making use of Tsuriba Satto's natural claws, the Captain careens through the area at speeds far beyond comprehension, slashing wildly in all directions. The force of the strikes is increased several times over thanks to the blinding momentum. The result is a dome-like area-of-effect wherein everything is absolutely obliterated. His claws, strengthened by spiritual energy, slice through all material like a hot knife through butter, liquefying anything within their range. From the outside, this appears to the viewer like an impossibly vicious flurry of brown claws lashing out like a thousand wolves. A primarily offensive technique, the Wolf Pack has occasionally been used defensively. The dome-like shape can be changed to a large circular shield that dissolves incoming attacks. This only works on material-based techniques. Although energy has a chance of being dispersed by Satto's claws, it is much more likely to injure him, making it a risky solution against some abilities.

Zanjutsu Master: Zanjutsu is the primary art of the Shinigami; it is the core of their fight against Hollow and other forces of imbalance. Satto has spent countless hours perfecting the use of his own Zanpakutō, Ōji no Kinzoku Umi, in order to best exemplify this fundamental skill. He has long since mastered it. Although his technique is nowhere near as flawless as Captain Okada, the Grandmaster of Zanjutsu, he is an example of how precise swordplay can turn the tide of any battle. Like in all aspects of his life, Satto approaches melee combat with a meticulous mindset. His strikes aim for vital points, instant-kills, or crippling nerve clusters that can end the battle without the need for unnecessary theatrics. He sees all combat as a facet of his job, and, as such, prefers to use his somewhat short Zanpakutō to maneuver around parries and finish as quickly as possible. He has no preference for any particular style of swordplay. In fact, he chose not to focus on human schools of martial arts at all, arguing that they were never meant to be used to fight beings as powerful as what any Shinigami may deal with. He is simply a man who will take advantage of whatever openings he may find, and his speed affords him every opportunity to do so.

Hakuda Master: Hakuda mastery is a prerequisite for all 2nd Division members who wish to work within the Maggot's Nest, the prison where the most dangerous threats to Soul Society are housed. No Zanpakutō are allowed past the first floor, even on guards, so hand-to-hand skills are absolutely pivotal for self-defense and prisoner management. Tsuriba Satto spent many years as the warden of the prison. As such, he has a wealth of experience in unarmed combat, and his natural claws have turned him into something of a legend. He is a Captain whose unique physiology and precise techniques afford him a trait that few other Shinigami have: he is equally capable of fighting with both Zanjutsu and Hakuda. There is no situation in which he is unarmed. This makes him a reliable Shinigami when new, potentially major threats need to be assessed. This is something he shares with Gingitsune Kaen, a man who makes a hobby of irritating Satto whenever possible. The two have had numerous debates over who is best qualified for first-encounter assignments.

Kidō Master: Thanks to Satto's meticulous nature, Kidō came naturally to him. Binding spells, also known as Bakudō, are of a particular use to his position, having been taught to Shinigami entering the Maggot's Nest as a way to control prison uprisings. The highest numbered Kidō of this category have all been memorized, and all but the top few are subject to Eishōhaki and other alterations. In particular, Satto has been known to favor Kuyō Shibari, which creates black holes of energy to immobilize his targets. And particularly powerful opponents then find that Kōjutsu Eishō—a technique that allows him to recite the incantation again to strengthen the bond—makes the Bakudō remarkably difficult to break. Hadō, the Way of Destruction, is also useful to the Doberman. While he is far more inclined to simply close the distance on his foes and eliminate them from up close, he has gone through the trouble of mastering many high-level spells in order to strike from a distance in case his speed is somehow canceled. Personal instruction from both Captain Kuchigane and Captain Yorushi (and his predecessor) have granted him mastery over these mystical arts. His belief in the law has prevented him from learning any forbidden techniques, however. To him, such things are anathema, and are unworthy of his attention.

Immense Spiritual Power: Outside of the titanic Captain-Commander and the unbridled Seisui Naito, Captain Tsuriba commands the most powerful Reiatsu in the Gotei 13. His is a light brown, just a few shades softer than his fur, and explodes from his body like a million knives. It cuts fissures into stone and steel when released in full, as if the world around him simply fails to contain its power. Those with attuned spiritual senses may be able to see three dragon-like heads looming above him, breathing out wave after wave of cutting energy until everything around him is reduced to ribbons. Those standing within his field of Reiatsu are not subject to fear nor most other typical side-effects of Captain-class power; they are not driven to their knees. Instead, they simply endure blades of near-invisible energy slamming against their skin. For Captain-class individuals and stronger Lieutenant-class foes, this pressure can be withstood through their own, although focus is necessary to avoid grievous wounds. This is a uniquely weapon-like Reiatsu that has earned the attention of many Shinigami scholars. And it is but a single aspect of the ‘God of Rust'.

Enhanced Strength: The Doberman, a Captain, has more than enough Reiryoku at his disposal to fuel incredibly powerful muscles. While he may not be able to move tremendous weights like some of the stronger members of his class, he is powerful enough to lift a few tons off of the ground, allowing him to kick through buildings or bust through defenses with relative ease. He can use his impressive strength hand-in-hand with his Hakuda to quickly overpower his opponents and bring them to justice. Large weapons may find that his parry barely moves on a full-swung impact, and his counterattacks have enough force behind them to launch unfortunate victims hundreds of feet away. For the most part, Satto uses his abilities sparingly, choosing to focus on precision over brute strength. Still, should the situation arise where he finds himself left with no other options, the Doberman is as fearsome as his namesake.

Enhanced Endurance: Like most upper-echelon Shinigami, Tsuriba Satto's spiritual power affords him a level of durability far beyond anything a normal soul could hope to achieve. His body is coated with a thin layer of Reiatsu that allows him to intercept most attacks with his bare hands, sustaining little-to-no damage. He can use Hakuda reliably against even Captain-class weapons, deflecting their edges off of his claws so long as their power does not exceed his own. For this reason, Satto has refused to spar with Captain Seisui, a man whom he believes would be capable of pressing him into harm. Lost limbs and ruptured organs would barely slow Satto down, although these facts have yet to be tested thanks to his ability to avoid injury. He is also able to recover quickly. Satto is particularly thankful for this, as he has earned a reputation for maintaining a stellar work ethic. Any time lost due to injury or sickness would mar his otherwise exemplary record.

Master Tactician and Strategist: The God of Rust is a lot of things. He is a master swordsman, an elite assassin, and a Captain of the Gotei 13. Many of these achievements were done through extreme training regimens designed to hone a wide array of natural talents. The one thing that remains unchangeable, however, is intelligence. Thankfully, Satto was also blessed with a mind that was far above average. It stands just shy of genius-level, much to Satto's chagrin. He compensates through an extensive study of historical tactics and his active approach to mission involvement. To date, Satto has read over two thousand strategic scrolls and has participated in four times as many assignments for the 2nd Division. He is a seasoned veteran who has spent centuries perfecting his arts. Whether the situation calls for full-scale war or the assassination of a single target, Satto can conceive, plan, and enact a variety of multi-tiered strategies to ensure an ideal result. And as a veteran of numerous wars with Hueco Mundo, his abilities are tried and tested.

Canine Empathy: As an anthropomorphic Doberman, Satto has the inherent ability to communicate emphatically to animals of the same general family as those fused to his soul. He can feel their emotions and, in turn, feed them his own, creating much stronger bonds than those normally possible between master and hound. All canines are subject to these abilities. The empathy also allows Satto to channel his spiritual energy into them. The Bronze Pack, a group of dogs trained to complete 2nd Division assignments, are examples of the increase in speed, strength, and intelligence that comes through this connection. Particularly gifted anthropomorphs like Satto can even focus enough power into their chosen animals to grant them abilities comparable to Shinigami. This is extremely taxing, however, and even Satto has only a handful of these 'Pack Leaders' at his disposal. And the process oftentimes fails, leaving the subject dead or dying. Although Satto pretends not to be hurt by these unfortunate incidents, they deeply wound him, which explains why he only chooses the strongest of the Bronze Pack to elevate to such heights.

Enhanced Senses (Smell and Hearing): The final benefits of Satto's anthropomorphism are his enhanced senses of smell and hearing. His related organs are so fine-tuned that they function on an entirely different level than most other Shinigami. His nose, much like a dog's, is capable of sensing odors over vast distances and with a heightened level of accuracy. He can sniff out poisons, determine the chemical makeup of toxins, and track a man through miles of heavy rain given enough concentration. But even this dulls in comparison to Satto's sense of hearing. Amplified by the use of the Angel’s Ear, the Doberman's ears are so acute that he can overhear a conversation word-for-word over a distance of a few miles. He can determine the exact location of a broken pipe by following subtle sounds echoing beneath solid concrete. It is said that he can even fight an entire division in total darkness entirely unimpeded. His hearing is so exceptional that it only falls short when he uses a modicum of effort during Shunpo—and that is only due to how quickly he can breach the sound barrier.
This is part 1 of Tsuriba Satto's sheet, which contains general information about the character.

Part 2, which contains information about his Zanpakutō and Shikai, can be found here.

Part 3, which contains information about his Bankai, can be found here.


This reference sheet represents the 2nd Division Captain of my non-canon Bleach world. While he may seem overpowered, this particular description is not the one I use in roleplay—the power scales represented in its text are only in relation to the personal stories and the fiction which I write. When roleplaying, I use altered sheets with abilities to scale with the setting, completely devoid of power comparisons.


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angenon58's avatar
I have several questions of utmost importance!

1. Does he have toe beans?

2. Can you tell us more about the anthropomorphic shinigami?

3. Can we please get art of the lizard girl and her tongue blade thing? XD