
Quintalla Cora Calica: Pt. 2

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Zanpakutō Name: Escorpión (Scorpion)

Zanpakutō Appearance: The Zanpakutō that contains the sealed powers of Quintalla Cora Calica’s Hollow form is much like its wielder; it is a thing comprised of haunting beauty, with an appearance that seems to betray little of its true nature. Where there are other enigmatic and oftentimes eccentric members of the fearsome Espada class that go to great lengths to hide the appearance of their Zanpakutō, gaining a small advantage through the element of surprise, Quintalla refuses to adopt such a strategy. To her, such a tactic is more bothersome than beneficial. The minuscule benefit that one may gain from this practice is overshadowed by the immediate use of her drawn blade, and those that intend to keep the nature of their own from her find that their minds are not as secure a place as they like to believe. As such, almost every Hollow who has foresight enough to study the leaders of their own race has ample knowledge of her Zanpakutō’s appearance, whether it be through rumor or seeing the Witch of the Water for themselves. Some lucky few even learn the nature of her fearsome releases.

Like many other Arrancar, whose primal spiritual powers are not so different from the Shinigami who stand as their eternal rivals, Quintalla’s Hollow abilities are sealed away in the shape of a traditional katana. It is a solid design for a blade, and although she had no choice in its original form, she has refused to alter it using the scientific methods that Eless Tria’Duhallen, the Quinta Espada, has under her command. Instead, Quintalla wields her Zanpakutō openly with a sense of pride. Like her, it is as it is, and although a beautiful blade, it represents things that either cannot or should not be changed. She also has no reason to. It is a fine weapon with a blade sharp enough to cleave effortlessly through metal, and it has culled the number of her enemies by hundreds over the years. So, despite the tendency for Espada to have either altered Zanpakutō or ones that are naturally subversive, the Primera wields hers openly, and this will likely never change.

The Broken Beauty and her Zanpakutō are both renowned for their ghostly white and black appearances. The tsuka wrappings of her katana are entirely without pigment, featuring no pattern at all and no stylistic flair. The usual cross-hatch technique of weaving is curiously absent, as well. In its place, the cloth is simply wrapped around the grip in a coil that looks as if it were somehow mass produced, or at the very least created without a care for the traditions of aesthetics. Yet it somehow brings with it a sense of beautiful simplicity. The traditions of sword-making bear little weight regarding the form all Zanpakutō take or how the souls of those who wield them guide their shape. Just as Quintalla herself feels no need to alter her weapon to be more subversive, risking the regret that she may not like it, her soul coalesced her powers into a form that was simple and digestible. The ironic serenity and crispness of it matches well with the Arrancar uniform designs, regardless, and from the standpoint of fashion, that is all that Quintalla could have asked for.

The tsuba of Quintalla’s Zanpakutō is a peculiar thing that almost betrays the nature and capabilities of the woman who wields it. Around the base of the blade, a small black disk begins the tsuba, inching out just a few centimeters. Then, in an otherwise unknown phenomenon, the outer portion of the guard, a diamond-shaped piece with its longer points bent back slightly towards the grip, floats around it, completely unattached. This section of the tsuba is held in place by the inherent force of the Zanpakutō, and cannot be displaced, despite it seeming to have no earthly bond to the rest of the sword. No matter how quickly Quintalla may slash the weapon, or how heavy an impact it may parry, it is as solidly bound as any other part of its design. Many believe that the Primera Espada’s telekinesis is behind this. However, they would be wrong. No matter what state of mind Quintalla may be in, it has absolutely no effect on the composition of her Zanpakutō; the unique tsuba is a permanent and relatively mundane characteristic of the weapon.

Quintalla is not particularly capable with Zanjutsu. With her vast mental powers comes a penchant for using her telekinesis to manipulate her Zanpakutō from a distance, giving her little reason to ever improve her capability with traditional swordplay. In battle, the katana, which has no saya, can be seen up to a few miles away from Quintalla herself. It is often used to attack from a distance or create distractions that afford its owner a more open door to her victim’s mind. At rest, the unusual blade can be seen slipped into the sash of Quintalla’s uniform. She has no particular preference for which side, as the blade itself is usually drawn without the need to physically grab at it. Once in a while, when an ambush may be needed, the Zanpakutō is hidden in advance, then called upon to attack from an advantageous angle, drawn by the invisible threads of Quintalla’s mind.

Resurrección Appearance: Those that choose the dangerous path of chronicling the infamous, world-changing powers at the beck and call of the Espada class tread a very fine line. Many of the leaders of the Hollow race are secretive about their Resurreccións, whether it be for the advantage ignorance brings or the fear that such knowledge will shake the base of their power. They would sooner kill those that learn of their true capabilities than let word spread. Others hardly seem to care, and they greet these curious minds without fear. Quintalla is a little bit of both. During her lucid moments, she will release the seal on her old abilities if her opponent has enough mental training to withstand her telepathy, or a body too rigid to destroy through telekinesis. If she is troubled at the time, it can be far sooner—an instinctual ploy of self-defense through which she hopes to purge her mind of the hallucinations. Bystanders who witness this transformation when she is in control of her faculties are not hunted down or killed. Instead, the Primera Espada simply wipes the event from their minds. The unfortunate souls that witness her transform during a time of mental stress, however, may find themselves driven completely mad or even attacked. Those that are lucky to escape, usually by Quintalla's addled nature, are those that tell the tale, and whispered rumors speak nothing but horrors of the Witch of the Water’s true form.

In order to coax the secrets of her Hollow powers to manifest themselves in the physical world, Quintalla brings her Zanpakutō back towards her, sometimes pulling it out of an enemy or ripping it through the structures around the battlefield in order to move it as quickly as possible. No matter which direction the sword may come from, Quintalla meets it with an extended arm and an open palm. Her posture at this moment relates to her current mental state. If she has clarity, she stands erect and is visibly calm. Should she be locked in psychosis, her form could seem bent over or otherwise manic. Either way, the tip of the sword always stops short just as it touches the number ‘1‘ tattooed on her right palm. Whatever level of spiritual power may be ripping through the atmosphere lulls into a mellow whisper. This silence is short lived, as Quintalla says:

"Poison, Escorpión."

The floating sword buries itself into a Quintalla’s palm. In place of drawing blood, it seems to simply vanish into the rippling surface of her skin, as if she were a portal drawing the weapon back to its rightful home. As the end of the handle disappears, the Reiatsu in the area rises exponentially. White threads of spiritual energy explode outwards with a force that can rip the limbs off of Lieutenant-class opponents, and outright slaughter anyone else who fails to retreat to a safe distance. Even the strongest beings in the universe must steel their nerves and steady their feet in order to avoid being swept away in the ghostly glow of this torrential surge of spirit. For a few seconds, this swirling, ripping whirlwind engulfs the battlefield completely, cutting Quintalla off from vision. When it finally dies down, the pressure is still so oppressive that it can pulverize bone and flatten tissue. And in the center of the ground-torn-asunder stands Quintalla Cora Calica in her Resurrección.

The released form of the Scorpion Queen gives justification to her legendary title, and touches on her exquisite sense of fashion in a way that shows how deep those roots are buried. The uniform of the Arrancar is completely obliterated as soon as the energy is released. In its place rests a tan, almost flesh-like gown that sports a bone motif, as one might expect from an Arrancar’s release. The dress itself is much like those seen in the human world hundreds of years ago, featuring a large bottom held in place by a radial series of finger-like bones that act like an external bustle—a lattice to keep it in place. These bone ridges trail upwards, through her corset-shaped midsection, forming a circlet beneath her breasts and around her mid-back. Her chest is covered by two extended pieces of the dress. Beneath the umbrella-like bottom of her outfit, Quintalla’s legs are now covered by bone and tan cloth, shaped much like gala or dress boots. They trail all the way up her legs, and serve her well, despite the heels.

Upon Quintalla’s face, little immediately changes. The spinal portion of her mask fragments, once hidden by her hair, now trail from the middle of her forehead to the bottom of her actual spine, just above where the bell-like expanse of her gown begins. On the way, it skips her Hollow-hole and becomes temporarily embedded in a shoulder-plate made of bone that encircles Quintalla’s neck and extends down her shoulders. In the middle of her biceps, rings of bone attach to sleeve coverings that continue on to her wrists. Another bit of bone separates these from her hands, which now feature three-inch long fingernails that seem razor-sharp and harder than steel. These are Quintalla’s primary weapons in place of the Zanpakutō lost upon her release. They are nigh-unbreakable, easily able to block Captain-class weapons or even cleave clean through them with their almost impossible sharpness. Yet they are not the only weapons in the Scorpion Queen’s formidable arsenal. Her true strengths remain hidden, waiting to enthrall or twist the minds of her opponents, rendering them subservient or a shell of their former selves.

Battle: Butterfly vs. Scorpion by NexusYuber

Resurrección Abilities:

Tremendous Telekinesis: Immediately upon release, the mind of the Scorpion Queen is bolstered in its strength. The previous capacity to lift five tons is overshadowed. In its place, she can now lift up to twenty, allowing her to rip armies of nearly three hundred strong into the air and slam them into the ground at hundreds of miles per hour, turning them to paste. She can tear chunks of material off of the sides of buildings and use them to pummel her enemies or block ranged attacks, all while remaining completely motionless. So strong is her telekinesis that Barracuda Marracruz, the most dangerous Arrancar to have ever lived, considers it the single most useful ability in the Hollow army. In the case of an invasion by Soul Society, Quintalla is tasked with protecting Las Noches with an impenetrable sandstorm commanded entirely by her mind. In such a case, her Resurrección becomes the last line of defense against the core of Hueco Mundo society falling into their hands. Only if it fails would her Segunda Etapa become necessary.

Los Ojos de la Reina (Eyes of the Queen): No matter Quintalla’s mental state when she enters Resurrección, her most potent ability, beyond the blistering strength of her telekinesis, is still her telepathy. Though her ability to move objects from afar is offensively disastrous in its potential, enhanced the moment she enters her second form, the true powers of her mind are locked away until she calls upon them. Through the use of her own sadness, either through choosing to relive old memories or simply embracing her current psychosis, Quintalla can begin to cry. The tears she sheds in her Resurrección glow with a ghostly light, and her eyes gloss over with a teal energy. As long as these tears flow, her telepathic abilities increase in potency and range. Her depression enhances them, granting her the capability to enter into the minds of those who have endured decades of mental defense training, or have far above average willpower. There, they must fight on a ground where martial prowess means nothing. It is in the psyche that Quintalla has her greatest advantage. She can drive dozens into insanity or turn a leader into a weeping child, crippling the forces of her foes. It is believed that the Scorpion Queen can defend against an entire army of unseated Shinigami by her lonesome. Whether this claim rings true is something she hopes will never be known.

La Venganza de la Reina (Queen’s Revenge): This hidden melee ability of Quintalla’s Resurrección is her last line of defense before entering the legendary Segunda Etapa. Should an enemy somehow be impervious to her mental assault and strong enough to withstand her telekinesis, the spinal cord bones that run down her back can, at will, split down the middle at the base of her dress and grow far larger. These two new ‘tails’ are about ten feet long, made of segmented spinal columns allowing for flexibility. Each is tipped with a vicious looking scorpion stinger made completely of bone, twice the size of a human head. With these tails, the melee capabilities of Quintalla’s Resurrección become far more formidable. While they cannot extend much farther than their natural length, they are incredibly durable, and can strike with enough force to crater the ground beneath their targets. They are blindingly fast and make use of her telekinesis to react quickly to predicted attacks in ways that her natural limbs cannot. But these are not the only benefits of the two tails.

• Lágrimas (Teardrops): Within each head of her scorpion tails rests a reservoir of tear-like poison known as the Lágrimas. Upon a successful attack, whether it be a full piercing strike or a simple graze on the skin, the poison is released into the victim. Like her makeup, this spiritual chemical addles the mind and causes a fogginess that allows Quintalla to make use of her telepathy with less resistance. The Lágrimas, however, is far more potent a toxin. The resulting mental haze is similar to a state of dreaming. Hallucinations are common, as are phantom sensations and an inability to understand the consequences of one’s actions. Those who cannot keep their focus quickly become easy prey for the Scorpion Queen, or even their own addled states. This can turn even the most capable warrior into a dysfunctional mess that poses little threat.
This is part 2 of Quintalla Cora Calica's sheet, which contains Zanpakutō and Resurrección information about the character.

Part 1, which contains general information about the character, can be found here.

Part 3, which contains information about her Segunda Etapa, can be found here.


This reference sheet represents the Primera Espada of my non-canon Bleach world. While he may seem overpowered, this particular description is not the one I use in roleplay—the power scales represented in its text are only in relation to the personal stories and the fiction which I write. When roleplaying, I use altered sheets with abilities to scale with the setting, completely devoid of power comparisons.


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Strider-of-Twilight's avatar
An incredible upgrade from what you had as her previous release in terms of design changes and abilities. And, as expected, you blow me out of the water this time. Overall love it--and am even more excited to see her Segunda Etapa now.